Wednesday 10 March 2010

Lying to yourself again

Ok, so after watching my sensational Gunners destroy Porto in the European Cup last night (sorry, I don't like to gloat), my girlfriend took control of the remote and I found myself half watching Famous, Rich and Jobless on BBC One (Link below). The programme follows four 'celebrities' as they embark upon the gloomy path of unemployment; coping on benefits and struggling to find work. My eyes quickly glazed over and I started playing Football Manager. Nevertheless, my attention returned to the TV part way through when Larry Lamb (aka Archie Mitchell) met up with a fellow job seeker. Up until 12 months ago, this woman had a £21,000 p.a. job. Now she lives on £64 a week benefits. She proceeded to tell her sob-story of how she couldn't get motivated to find work and how she only eats bread for 6 days of the week. This smacked of self deception and, as you can probably tell, totally infuriated me! It is not difficult to find a job. It just takes persistence, patience and an ability to not lie to yourself that a life on bread is ok; something that at the beginning, she defends. I recently lost my part time job. I had worked full time for 9 years before I came to university, so losing my part time job after just three months came as a bit of a shock. But I didn't tell myself "everything will be ok", or "all will come good in time". I got off my arse and went and found another job. 17 CVs later and I got one. It was hard, but it wasn't the thankless, impossible task that some people make out. My message to people like this would be stop lying to yourselves and sort your life out!

The link as I promised. See for yourself.

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