Sunday 2 May 2010

Ok, so It's the 2nd of May and I've just realised that I now have 5 days left to do this blog. Having only made 5 previous posts, the best my sorry ass can hope for is a D. Forgive my lackadaisical attitude as I lost interest with my blog around the same time I lost interest in a class where the lecturer is forced to spend the majority of the session telling people to be quiet. If only people felt the urge to speak up as much in other lectures. However, needs must, so I will offer my opinion 5 more times for anyone who cares to pay attention to it. With regards to alcohol, I believe it to be like any other pleasant thing in life; ok in moderation but highly addictive. However, if you wish to truly appreciate the finer aspects of drinking, look no further than the link below. You will find me there for certain.

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